There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. - Ansel Adams
I love this saying. I am a perfectionist at heart but when I take a photograph I loose that part of myself. My creative side comes out and I see things with a different perspective.
I think if you can reach someone in the deepest part of themselves then you have created a good photograph. My goal is to touch people's heart and create a lasting mark!
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silent. - Ansel Adams
It's amazing the emotions and thoughts that one photo can hold and it can be different for every person who sees it. What a glorious art form!
My challenge for each of us is to look at photos differently this month. See the content and ask yourself "how do I feel when I look at this". Then, look at it again and see if you can see something different that you did not see the first time and ask yourself the same question.
Give us new eyes to see and a new heart to feel.
Hopefully, you will explore a new side of yourself and dive into a deeper perspective as you view all forms of art.
Live Out Loud!